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So that RFI, MCD and France 24’s live and online audience, can access free, independent, honest,
balanced and expert information in French or another language of the group, no matter their age,
career or origin. Against any form of manipulation. Worldwide.
So that its audience can think critically and acquire the keys to understanding France, French-
speaking countries, Europe and the world, as well as global contemporary issues, whether they are
geopolitical, economic, environmental, social, or health or development-related.
So that its audience can identify with one or more culture(s), feel the excitement together during
signif icant cultural or sport events, expand their knowledge, break down boundaries and feel closer
to what is far away.
So that dialogue and debate, as well as the democratic and humanist values and principles that
France stands for – freedom of speech, gender and citizen equality, secularity and the rejection of
any kind of discrimination – can be familiar, shared and bring us together.
So that through their questions, opinions and testimonials, our audience can interact with our
international media.
As a human microcosm of the f ive continents, France Médias Monde is a company based on
diversity and equality for all talent to express themselves. A responsible company, with intense
social dialogue, where everyone contributes to the positive working atmosphere and strives to
protect the planet. A company that makes its teams’ safety an essential condition in fulf illing its
France Médias Monde, a national public-service broadcasting company, exists